Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Welcome Back to Blogging!

Hello! Good day, good evening! It's been a long while since I've been active on this particular blog, but now that I'm beginning to get my head back together after graduating university, getting a job (OMG!) and beginning to prepare the foundations for my own creative business - I think it's about time I get back to what I do best! Talking!

So what's new with me?! Apart from the aforementioned series of events (Yes, I graduated with a first class honours degree in Graphic Design and Illustration and managed to get a job as a Junior Designer) I have been busy with freelance design work, whilst absolutely falling in love with calligraphy!  

As of yet, I haven't had time to invest in any beginner tools yet so instead I've been practicing getting to grips with how you'd hold a pen / brush by strapping two pencils together! 

It's actually really fun and I'm beginning to find my inspiration again after what seems like an age of having no spare time since leaving university. Of course, I can't and won't complain about being busy - I'm very thankful for all the work that has come my way. But sometimes... just sometimes it'd be amazing to just sprawl in bed for the day and do nothing but play xbox....

Logo Design: Airforce Themed

A few months ago, my friend asked me as a quick favour to design him a logo based on the Airforce's current design without it being exactly the same. It was only a for a few t-shirts he was having printed, but it's something that's given me time to de-stress from work about so I gave it a go!

Here's what I came up with!